Thursday, September 30, 2010

King Agamemnon the Stubborn King still sighted in the present day

In chapter 1 it states that after the war Agamemnon took the daughter of a priest of Apollo. The priest of Apollo tried to give a ransom to Agamemnon to get his daughter back but Agamemnon refused and said to the priest "Dont let me find you here anymore and don't come again or else your sacred staff or wreaths may not protect you " and then the priset of Apollo just stayed silent and left. After that the priest of Apollo prayed to Apollo to make Danaans pay for what they have done and then for the past 9 days arrows fell to the camp of Danaans and a lot of animals and peoples died and Apollo made everything burned down.

On the 10th day Achilles called everyone to a conference, and talked to Agamemnon and made him agree to bring back the daughter of the Priest but Agamemnon said that he shoukd have a raplcement for the priest's daughter and that is the girl of Achilles, Achilles got angry but he wasn't able to argue because Agamemnon was the king instead Achilles said that he will not fight with Agamenon in the war. this is the chapter that states the stubbornness of Agamemnon is from his mind and his heart.

In this present time we can still see people like Agamemnon because a lot of people abuses their power and then if they did something wrong they don't learn from their mistakes instead they make worst by still abusing people a good example of this is Manny Villar here in the Philippines he told everyone that he was poor since he was a kid but a lot of people say he was rich from the start and there were also proof of that instead of saying the truth he still insisted that he was poor and because of that simple thing in affected his votes for the election because no one wants a president who lies for simple thing because even for simple things you lie how about when it became a big thing that can affect our economy and the standing of our country. so what do you think is Villar the same with Agamemnon? you decide are they or aren't they.


  1. lots of run-on sentences, unparalleled structures and misspelled words. why do you not capitalize the letters after each sentences?

  2. the analogy is not clear to me...

  3. Score: 6

    It was not explained how King Agamemnon manifests stubbornness of heart. You merely narrated some events in the book. Moreover, there are some errors in some parts of the journal.

    Please take note that this activity helps you develop your critical thinking skills; therefore, it is expected that you really maximize the activity. Be very critical in analyzing and discussing the questions.

    It's not yet too late. You can still do it in the next journals.
