Sunday, October 31, 2010

Can this even be a part of the book Illiad

               Well for starters I'll tell you guys about the summary of chapter one because that's what I'm going to change I mean the chapter that I'm going to make my own.Oh wait in the left side here's a pic of Agamemnon and Achilles with someone well I just took the picture from goolge this are not my pictures so ler's begin

             Agamemnon took the daughter of the priest but the priest begged Agamemnon for him to return his daughter but Agamemnon refused even though the priest offered him some ransom in exchange for his daughter. The priest prayed to Apollo to punish the Danaans for what they have done and Apollo punished them. Achilles talked to Agamemnon to give the daughter back but because of his stubbornness Agememnon said to achilles that he will return the priest's daughter in exchange for the girl of Achilles... and so on and so forth...

Now this is my part or my revised version of chapter 1.

         After Agamemnon took the daughter of the priest and all of the Danaans we're suffering because of Apollo, Achilles talked to Agamemnon and said that he should return the daughter of the priest and because of his stubbornness he refused but will agree if Achilles gave his girl to Agamemnon in exchange for the priest's daughter. Because of this Achilles got angry at Agamemnon and pointed his sword at Agamemnon and said that *If you Don't return the daughter I promise that I will kill you!* Agamemnon Didn't even feel the slightest feel because he knows that Achilles cannot do that for the puny reason that Agamemnon was the king and the leader of the Greeks but Achilles was Dead serious and Challenge him to a fight. the battle was intense but Agamemnon cannot hope to beat Achilles his strongest soldier so Achilles killed Agamemnon and overthrew his rule as a king so Achilles became the king and returned the daughter of the priest and apologized for what Agamemnon did and because of this event Achilles was feared by all of the people in his rule.
        Well that's all I can do so what do you think? Achilles was my Favorite character in the story and I hated the guts of Agamemnon so I made him Disappear and made Achilles the ruler or king while still being the strongest warrior

Friday, October 15, 2010

Is Patroclos really a noble man?

                      I wonder is Patroclos really a noble comrade or warrior? Well we will see here's a little summary of what will happen.

                   Patroclos talked to Achilles if he can wear His armor to defend the ship he was able to convince him but Achilles warned him that if the enemy leaves and goes back to troy he should stop fighting and return, and so the battle starts Patrocolos defended the ship and the enemy fled he ignored Achilles's words and went after the Trojan soldier and Hector while pursuing Hector Apollo joined the fight and shot Patrocolos on the back then he was stabbed by a Trojan soldier and Hector dealt the finishing blow.
                 So what do you think? I don't think Patroclos is a noble man i think he's just a greedy warrior, he was so greedy that he ignored the word if his beloved friend and let his lust for blood take over him that's the reason he died in battle. well i think he's a little bit noble because he didn't force his friend Achilles on the fight Achilles didn't want to join. So do you think it's honorable? Some might say it's honorable but i really think it's just lust for blood he just wanted bloodshed.
Why? because if you we're on his feet and you see the enemy running would you still give chase and kill them? well for me it's not because I already seen the enemy's back and it means they already gave up and i think it's not really honorable to attack the enemy in the back. So now tell me was he really noble?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Greed of humans is what causes war and War can only bring Pain and Destruction

      Wars do not only claim many lives but also spoil/destroy a man's character.
                  I agree because war starts with the greed of man, war will not start if one does not crave for more than what he already has. War causes a good thing for few people because their power would have increased but war mostly hurt the majority of the people because only a few people can get good things from it. Humans are not perfect but they have good points but when greed takes over they tend to do bad things for their own benefits. 
             In the book you'll notice that because of the war 
Achilles resentment towards Agamemnon because of his greed when Agamemnon took Briseis cannot be satisfied even when Agamemnon presented Achilles with a lot of gifts he rejected it and even when his friends visited him to comfort and make him feel satisfied he still resented Agamemnon. 
            The greed of men cannot be satisfied because even if we got what we want we will still look for more and something else humans lived to guard this world but what we are doing is the complete opposite we destroy and abuse the earth. This is proofs of how war can only bring forth pain and destruction.